Content: Text, Tables, Images, Video, Forms, and Scripts

This section describes how to fill your site with content and enhance it with useful functions provided by the editor's modules.

When adding a module to a page, you can choose whether it should be shown only on the current page, on all pages of the site, only on the front page, or on all pages except the front page:

To edit a module's content, place the mouse pointer over the module, click Edit.

To change the style of elements in a module, place the mouse pointer over the module, click Edit > Show Styles. For each module, you can specify the following settings: padding, margins, shadows, corners rounding, background image and colors. Note that shadows and rounding of corners might not be applied properly to the Image Slider and Map modules.

Next in this section:

Text, Tables, Hyperlinks, Flash Files, and Images

Image Gallery

Image Slider

Embedded Video

Contact Form



Documents and Other Downloadable Files

Buttons for Sharing on Social Networks

Site Search

Online Store


(Advanced) Custom Scripts


Twitter Feed

Amazon aStore